Intraday Liquidity

This webinar will be led by Intraday Practitioner, Simon Gray, from Baringa Partners and Liquidity technology expert, Peter Serlachius, from MORS Software.

Banks and their regulators are requiring risks to be managed near real time; this includes the management and monitoring of liquidity flows and appropriate action in near real-time.  A bank’s intraday position is its first line of defence in its overall liquidity risk management (LRM). Integrating intraday seamlessly, as part of this wider LRM framework, can be a challenge; intraday is often treated as a “silo” on its own, away from wider LRM.  However data, activities, modelling, scenarios and planning need to be incorporated into the full framework to comprehensively manage risk, control liquidity and support liquidity needs in BAU and any stress periods or events.

This webinar will explore industry LRM best practices, demonstrating how intraday can be integrated to form a holistic view. What drives intraday risk? How should intraday risk support the overall LRM?  Learn how visualisation tools can support the process to analyse, explain and understand risk in a wider context and support the scenario build, simulation and planning activities including mitigating actions.

Webinar Hosts

Peter Serlachius

Partner, MORS

Simon Gray

Intraday Practitioner, Baringa Partners


Importance of managing risks in near real-time

Integrating intraday seamlessly into the LRM framework

Industry best practices for holistic risk management

Discover how integrating intraday liquidity management effectively can enhance risk control measures and support the liquidity needs of a bank